Renowned photojournalist Justin Sutcliffe sees faces in random objects. He started to photograph these coincidences, initially on a Polaroid camera, and set himself parameters: the guiding principle was ‘nothing deliberate’, and would therefor not shoot anything set up.
As a travelling photographer, Justin frequently sees faces in unusual places: a sad-looking face of loo rolls in Afghanistan; the manic smile of a complimentary fruit plate in the Dubai airport hotel. The majority come from Justin’s home and immediate environment: a random robot face as he unloaded the dishwasher one morning; a strange collection of bric-a-brac in a nearby garden; the shadow of a bus seat passing across the staircase to the upper deck.

Some of the pictures have a natural humour to them; some are tragic. And not everybody sees a face in each picture; there is satisfaction in working it out when it’s not immediately obvious.
Open daily throughout the festival, 5 – 15 July 2017: 10am – 5pm